Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rome Rome Rome :D

Hello :)

So, in a couple of hours, I'll take the train and then the bus and then a plane and then I'll be in Rome, Italy :D

I'm going with three of my best friends, and I'm super excited!!

We planned this trip kind of late, and we're only going for two days and it'll be very chaotic, but I see it as one of my new adventures.

And even if it sucks, and it’s completely not like we’ve planned and things go wrong and we end up sleeping at an airport of Rome just sucks (it won’t, but still… If.) we’ll still have done it. You have to make mistakes in life and my parents tell me all the time that this is a mistake (you’re not going long enough, will you be okay on your own, …) I don’t think I’ll regret making it.

Because I’m a doubter. I can’t make snap decisions. I change my mind all the time with the result that I usually do nothing. I take all my time thinking about making a decision that the opportunity passes. And I don’t want to live like that anymore. My entire life, I’ve regretted NOT doing things, and that’s a huge mistake. You miss so many experiences living like that.

So that’s over. From now on: when in doubt, do nowt, doesn’t apply anymore. When in doubt, take changes, live your life and even if it’s a mistake, you won’t know it till you made it. No more ‘what if I had gone on that trip? What if I had bought that jacket? What if…?’ No more. All gone. Hello taking chances, goodbye ‘what if’.

I’ll go make my backpack.



Saturday, February 5, 2011

Review: My Most Excellent Year

Hey everyone!

So I know this book wasn't in the list of books I'm reading at the moment but I picked it up two days ago at the library and I just read it in one take. It's amazing.

The book is called 'My Most Excellent Year', written by Steve Kluger.
It's the story of three best friends and what they all three experienced as their most excellent year.
T.C. and Augie have been friends ever since T.C.'s mother died, but they are more than just friends. They are brothers. It started as a game, but now their parents barely remember the times before they did everything together.
T.C. is obsessed by baseball and doing campaigns. Augie is obsessed with theater and is gay, but he seems to be the only person in the world who doesn't realise it yet. And Alejandra is the new girl, with rich parents who don't really support singing and dancing, even though that's the only thing Ale wants.

The book tells the story of three best friends and how their lives changed forever - for the better.
It's a modern fairytale that makes you believe dreams really do come true.

I just couldn't put the book down. It's not as sophisticated as John Green's books, at least, not at first. Slowly but sure, the book teaches you things about live, friendship and most of all dreams.
Meeting your idol, falling in love, or rebelling your parents, it's all so typically teenagers, but I'm sure many older readers will love this book too. I did.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update on my life


So, I haven’t blogged in a while. I still have exams but the end is near! Only 2 days left!! I’m so happy, because studying all day long is not my thing. But now I only have ethics left and I kind of like it, so that’s fine.

Because of my exams I’m still superfar behind in reading!! I should really finish a book soon, but that’s not really about to happen I think. In the last couple of weeks I read half of Zombicorn (John Green), about a fourth of HP 4 (JK Rowling), half of Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë), a chapter in The Blade Itself (Joe Abercrombie) and two days ago I decided to start reading Looking For Alaska (John Green) again, I’m halfway in that one. So maybe if you add everything up, I’m almost on schedule, but not really. Also, should I count Zombicorn? It’s only 72 pages…

I don’t really know what to write, I just wanted to take a break reading what Rachels has to say about Cultural Relativism. My life is so interesting xD
