Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update on my life


So, I haven’t blogged in a while. I still have exams but the end is near! Only 2 days left!! I’m so happy, because studying all day long is not my thing. But now I only have ethics left and I kind of like it, so that’s fine.

Because of my exams I’m still superfar behind in reading!! I should really finish a book soon, but that’s not really about to happen I think. In the last couple of weeks I read half of Zombicorn (John Green), about a fourth of HP 4 (JK Rowling), half of Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë), a chapter in The Blade Itself (Joe Abercrombie) and two days ago I decided to start reading Looking For Alaska (John Green) again, I’m halfway in that one. So maybe if you add everything up, I’m almost on schedule, but not really. Also, should I count Zombicorn? It’s only 72 pages…

I don’t really know what to write, I just wanted to take a break reading what Rachels has to say about Cultural Relativism. My life is so interesting xD


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