Thursday, January 20, 2011

About books.


So, I'll first tell you a bit about how I read books.
I usually read multiple books at the same time. I just pick up the book I feel like reading even if I'm already reading another book. It's just what I do.
A lot of people ask me how I can keep the stories seperated but that's really not that hard for me. I can stop reading a book in the middle of the story, when I pick it back up (even if it's months later) I can easily read on.

That being said: I'm busy in the HP series right now. It's the first time I'm ever reading them in order (weird right?) and the first time I'm reading all of them in English (I've read every single one in Dutch, 1,4,5,7 in English). Right now I finished the 3th one (in december) and I just picked up the fourth one from the library. So I'll start that one soon, Wuthering Heights can wait a bit.

Other book I picked up at the library: The blade itself, by Joe Abercrombie. I had never heard of it, it just looked interesting. I'll start on it soon, and it's the first in a trilogy (The First Law trilogy) so I'll read the other books as well if I liked it enough.

Other books that I will definitely read in 2011 (these are all books I've read before, but I just read these books every year. They're my favorites):
* Every John Green book!
* HP series: 4,5,6,7
* Golden Compass trilogy
* Maybe Twilight again, not my favorite but it's a nice brainless book.
* Chocolat: Joanne Harris
* Pride & Prejudice, maybe some other Jane Austen books.
* Wuthering Heights (reading)
* Jane Eyre
* ...

Maybe I'll try reading LOTR again, I've read the first two books already and liked them very much, I just read them very slowly for some reason. So if I have time, I'll read them. I don't want to lose my challenge because I read LOTR instead of 10 books I could have read in the same amount of time.


Books read: 1
Reading: Wuthering Heights, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Blade Itself

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