Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome :)


A new year, a time to do some things I've been wanting to do for a long time. Like starting a blog. I'm not sure how this is going to be or what I'm going to write about, but it's just something I wanted to try.

Things I want to talk about:

* Confidence. So lately I realised that I'm someone who doesn't really feel pretty. I mean, I know I'm not fat but somehow I still want to lose weight. I know I look okay, but somehow I'm obsessed with trying and buying make-up to look better. I want to work on that. I want to be confident with who I am and how I feel.

* Books. So I'm totally copying Kristina Horner with this. In 2007, she tried to read 50 books and failed miserably. I'll do the same thing, but hopefully not fail. I will mention in my blog how many books I've read, what book(s) I'm reading at the moment and maybe post a review every now and then.

* Just my daily life. I'm at my first year of uni, studying bioscience ingeneering and it's cool and difficult and I've met a whole bunch of new people and it's amazing.

So yeah, I think my next post will be just me talking a bit about myself. Who I am. You know. Random stuff.



Books read in 2011: 0
Book reading: Paper Towns - John Green (but this one doesn't count because I started the book in 2010, I always read John Green's books when I have exams)

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