Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Just some facts about me :)

* I’m from Belgium. So don’t kill me if I make a mistake against English. I can also type Dutch if you prefer.

* I’m at my first year of uni, studying bio-engineering. My exams are coming up and I should be studying.

* I love books. Lots of books. To many to write down. But I read my favorites at least once a year, so if I keep doing this thing, you’ll see them appear at the bottom of my blog posts :)

* Tv shows: HIMYM, Grey’s Anatomy (though I’m far behind. I refuse to watch it without subtitles because I’m interested in the medical part as well as the relationships and it’s hard to understand) and Glee. Yes, I’m a freak that actually buys the songs and listens to them. (song right now: Faithfully)

* I have two older sisters.

* While staying at uni, I share a house with my sisters and some friends from highschool.

* I don’t really have a best friend, just a couple of really close ones. But I wish I did have a best friend. You know, just someone who I can tell everything. For now, this blog must do.

* I’m a Nerdfighter. DFTBA.

* I like randomness.

* Elephant.

* I love to cook.

* I love to eat.

* But I don’t like to eat elephants.

* Not that I’ve tried or anything.

* I like Harry Potter (but I like Fred & George better).

* I listen to wizardrock.

* I’ve never had a boyfriend or a kiss.

* I have no idea what to add to this.


Books finished in 2011: 0

Book reading: Paper Towns – John Green (almost finished)

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