Thursday, January 13, 2011

Math and other stupid things


So... Two days ago I had my first exam. Math. I think I've failed and it gives me such a weird feeling. I've never failed an exam before. Tests, yeah, plenty. But an exam? I'll have to retake it in summer. That's so weird. But the weirdest thing is that I'm not even sad about it. I mean, yeah, a little bit, but I'm like: okay, let's move on.
And I have to move on. Next tuesday is biology of plants. I think I'll be okay, I hope so. But I have high hopes. I've always been good at biology so yeah.

I know, this is just a silly little update. Pretty stupid. Sorry.

Have I told you already that I write fanfiction? Normally I write a lot during exams. Just drabbles. I'm trying to change, 'cause it's never done me any good so I haven't written anything yet. Instead I watch Disney Channel during my breaks and listen to 'Drops of Jupiter' all the time.
I was just going to type: I should get a life. But isn't that just what I'm doing? By studying and making exams, I'm making my life. I'm shaping my life into what I want it to be. I'm going to be a bio-engineer. That's my project now. And for the next 5 years. I still want other projects. I still want a hobby. I still want to find something I'm really good at. But for now, just now, studying is enough. It's enough to make me feel like I'm making something of my life. So yeah, that's awesome.

I'll go back to studying some biology of plants and eating a Malus (that's science for apple xD)


Books read: 1 FINALLY.
Reading: Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë

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